Jit Sin "Gotong-Royong"


"Gotong-Royong" is an activity to make an event successful through collective effort. Jit Sin High School holds holds "gotong-royong" twice a year in order to provide the students a cleaner, healthier and more comfortable learning evironment.

The latest "gotong-royong" was held on 6 June, 2002. Students, attired in school T-shirts and shorts, gathered in the field at 7.45a.m. for a brief speech delivered by the principal. The "gotong-royong" started at 8.00a.m. Students of each class were divided into two groups: one of the group was responsible to clean up the classrooms while the other group was responsible to clean up school compunds such as the hall, the staffroom, toilets, field and others.

As it was a cooperative task, not only students but also teachers took part in the "gotong-royong", too! Both parties put in their utmost effort so that the meaningful mission could be completed satiably and punctually.

The "gotong-royong" ended at about 10.30a.m., and everyone was high-in-spirit and wore smiles on their faces in view of the cleanliness and tidiness of the surroundings of the school.